
Choosing The Right Color For Your Braces Bands

Teenagers who are about to get braces or currently wear them should think about the way the colors they choose make their teeth look. It's common for people to choose the color of their braces bands based on colors that they like, but the colors they choose can actually highlight stains on the teeth. Before your next orthodontist appointment, take the time to learn how to choose a band color that will make your teeth appear whiter. Read More 

The Children’s Tooth Disorder That Can Only Be Shown By X-Rays

Dentists typically recommend x-rays for children for a variety of reasons. X-rays can reveal decay, which teeth that are about to fall out naturally, and the development of wisdom teeth long before they become a problem. However, there's another unusual issue that x-rays can catch that traditional dental exams cannot. Read on to learn more about this disorder and what your dentist can do about it if it's caught with a dental x-ray. Read More 

3 Things to Know About Your Tooth Enamel

You are probably well aware of the fact that your teeth contain enamel on them, and you probably also know that enamel is very important for your teeth. Do you realize, though, that enamel can wear off and lead to problems? Here are three important things you should know and understand about the enamel on your teeth. Enamel does not replenish itself Enamel is one of the strongest materials found within your entire body, but it is not a material that replenishes itself. Read More 

Three Reasons To Talk To Your Dentist About Your Sleeping Habits

Your dentist can do more than just provide routine cleanings and dental work. Dentists can partner with primary care physicians to solve a wide range of problems, including issues with your sleeping patterns. Here are three reasons to discuss your sleeping habits with your dentist. Bruxism Bruxism is the term dentists use to refer to grinding your teeth. Grinding teeth can cause jaw pain and tooth damage, and if you grind your teeth at night, it can impact your sleep. Read More 

Fillings: Your Dentist May Order Them For These Reasons

Some people are alarmed when their dentists tell them that they need fillings. This is often the case when people make the mistake of thinking that their teeth are in good condition. Dentists may recommend fillings for a number of reasons such as the following.  Tooth Fracture Sometimes people chip their teeth, and they might not know it especially if the damage is on a tooth in the rear of the mouth. Read More