Three Reasons To Talk To Your Dentist About Your Sleeping Habits
Your dentist can do more than just provide routine cleanings and dental work. Dentists can partner with primary care physicians to solve a wide range of problems, including issues with your sleeping patterns. Here are three reasons to discuss your sleeping habits with your dentist.
Bruxism is the term dentists use to refer to grinding your teeth. Grinding teeth can cause jaw pain and tooth damage, and if you grind your teeth at night, it can impact your sleep. If you wake up with jaw pain or headaches, you may be grinding your teeth at night. In some cases, your tooth grinding can even be loud enough to wake up your partner, impacting his or her quality of sleep as well. Discuss any symptoms you might have so your dentist can examine your teeth and determine what type of treatment is needed. He or she may be able to fit you with a device you can wear at night to prevent you from grinding your teeth.
Sleep Apnea
Your dentist may be able to make a potential diagnosis of sleep apnea based on a simple discussion of your sleeping habits and other symptoms. For example, if you complain that you are always tired and you wake up with a dry mouth, these may be signs that point to a sleep disorder. The dry mouth can sometimes be attributed to sleeping with your mouth open, which can happen in people with sleep apnea. Your dentist can work with your primary care provider to find the right treatment options for sleep apnea, which can include alternatives to CPAP machines in the form of oral devices you can wear at night. These devices are more portable than CPAP machines, and they can be easier to use for some people as well.
Not all people who snore have sleep apnea, but snoring can still cause you to lose sleep. You may snore so loudly that it wakes you up at night or prevents you from falling asleep as deeply as you need to get a good night's rest. Your dentist can discuss lifestyle changes with you that can help to reduce snoring (and help you improve your overall dental health, such as quitting smoking and making changes to your diet. If your snoring is severe enough, your dentist may be able to fit you with an appliance you can wear at night to reduce your snoring.
It's always important to discuss your complete medical history and any health issues you are having with your dentist. Even feeling tired or having headaches can be signs of conditions your dentist can help you to overcome. Contact a clinic like Advanced Dentistry of St. Charles to learn more.