The Children’s Tooth Disorder That Can Only Be Shown By X-Rays

Dentists typically recommend x-rays for children for a variety of reasons. X-rays can reveal decay, which teeth that are about to fall out naturally, and the development of wisdom teeth long before they become a problem. However, there's another unusual issue that x-rays can catch that traditional dental exams cannot. Read on to learn more about this disorder and what your dentist can do about it if it's caught with a dental x-ray.

What Is Tooth Resorption

Tooth resorption is a disorder that causes a child's tooth to begin the process of falling out when it shouldn't. In a normal instance, if a tooth is ready to move out so a new, adult tooth can take its spot, the root of the tooth is gradually reabsorbed back into the body so the tooth can be released. However, this sometimes occurs when it shouldn't, which can cause an otherwise healthy tooth to fall out. In addition, it may cause a lot of pain for your child, as the nerve of the tooth will begin to be dissolved while it is still alive and functioning.

What Causes Tooth Resorption

Dentists and scientists aren't entirely sure about every cause behind dental resorption. In some cases, dental trauma is to blame; a strong, blunt trauma can cause dental resorption. However, in some cases, the tooth will begin to be absorbed for no apparent reason. It seems that the body will sometimes just send an inappropriate signal that triggers the tooth to begin the process of falling out even if there isn't another tooth ready to take its place. As a result, there is no easy way to predict dental resorption without the use of dental x-rays.

How Tooth Resorption Is Treated

If dental resorption is caught early on with x-rays, or in the early stages of reabsorption, saving the child's tooth may be possible. Your dentist will essentially perform a root canal, preserving the tooth and replacing it back in your child's jaw.

However, if dental resorption is found later on, a complete tooth extraction may be required. In some instances, the resorption can be stopped by drilling away the affected parts of the tooth. However, if the resorption has already progressed to the tooth's root, an extraction will be necessary.

Making sure your child has regular dental x-rays as often as your dentist recommends can help to catch this painful and unpleasant disorder before it becomes a serious problem. Even if your child maintains perfect oral hygiene, make sure to never skip dentist visits to prevent this problem from becoming severe. For more information, contact companies like Rupp and Grabowski Family Dentistry.
