If you have an embarrassing flaw with your smile because of a damaged or missing tooth, know that you can fix this problem realistically with a dental crown. Using dental crown to fix the problem is a viable solution, with their being several procedures that use a crown to do so. Here is what you should know about how dental crowns are used to fix problems related to your smile.
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Trying to figure out all the orthodontic routes you can take with your child can be overwhelming. However, if you start educating yourself early on, you can be better prepared to make informed choices. One aspect of interceptive orthodontics is using a palatal expander — an appliance that widens the lower jaw. Here are just a few questions you might have about this device.
When would your child need an expanding appliance?
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Receiving dental implants means going through a serious form of oral surgery, and it's a good idea to give the requirements of the process some thought before you get too involved with it. A practitioner can check a number of details to determine whether you may be a good candidate. Here are four items to discuss during your consultation.
Bone Structure
There's a lot more than just gums going on between your jaw and your teeth, and it all makes a big difference in how likely a dental implant services provider will be able to help you.
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Most people know that their teeth are covered with a protective layer known as enamel, and most people also know that when their enamel wears off, they can never replace it. When enamel wears off, dentists call this enamel erosion. There are multiple ways enamel erosion can occur, and there are a lot of effects this can have on your teeth.
The definition of enamel erosion
Enamel erosion is a term that dentists use to describe a condition when the enamel wears off a person's teeth.
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Getting whiter teeth is a great way to improve your self-esteem and smile more, but what is the best way to do this? Most people find that at-home methods are somewhat effective for obtaining whiter teeth while professional treatments are more superior. If you really desire whiter teeth, visit a dentist to find out if professional services would be good for you.
When professional services work the best
Professional teeth-whitening services almost all involve placing a solution on teeth that bleaches the teeth.
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