If you have a damaged tooth, then your dentist may inform you that a dental crown should be created to protect your tooth. However, you do have some treatment alternatives if you do not want to spring for an expensive crown right away. Tooth bonding is one of the alternatives. You should understand that bonding does have some downsides when compared to a dental crown. Keep reading to understand then so you can make and informed decision.
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When you ask people to name something that's bad for their teeth, most people will either say "eating sugar" or "not brushing." But while it's true that avoiding sugar and brushing daily are important for dental health, these are not the only secrets to strong, cavity-free teeth. Here are some other common habits that may sabotage your dental health if you're not careful.
Clenching your jaw.
When you're feeling anxious or stressed, pay attention to what you do with your jaw.
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Do you grind your teeth at night, or perhaps even during the day when you're feeling stressed or anxious? You may have heard this is bad for your teeth, but shrugged it off. However, the truth is that grinding your teeth really is something you need to be concerned about. Here's why.
What damage can grinding your teeth cause?
The outer layer of your teeth, known as the enamel, is pretty strong.
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If this is your first time getting braces, then you may not know that it takes some time for you braces to adapt to your teeth. As braces try to move your teeth into a new alignment this can feel as though your teeth are constantly sore. The soreness or pain that you feel will subside as your teeth completely adjust to the new alignment. The soreness can make it difficult to apply any kind of stress or pressure to your mouth during this time.
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The appearance of your teeth is one of the first things people notice about you, and it can affect their first impression of you for good or bad. Cosmetic dental procedures and treatments to improve the alignment and appearance of your teeth and to lighten the coloring of your tooth enamel are a big part of today's social culture, geared toward looking more attractive and improving your physical appearance. Here are three natural ingredients you can use to whiten and improve the appearance of your teeth at home, on your own.
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