
The Tooth Files: Dos And Don’ts Of Teeth Filing

There are countless numbers of instructional videos online. Some of them are legitimately helpful, but others offer instructions about subjects they have no business instructing anyone about. If you come across a video that claims to show you how to safely file your teeth to improve their appearance—click on something else. There is a way to safely file your teeth, but this isn't something you can do yourself.   Your Smile Read More 

Can Cannabis Affect Your Oral Health? What To Know

More and more locations are not only decriminalizing cannabis for personal use but are also making it legal in certain amounts. Many states now recognize cannabis as a legitimate medication for certain medical disorders. Cannabis is a drug that is used for both recreational and medical purposes. While the effects of cannabis use on oral health are not fully understood, there may be some negative impacts. Here are some of the potential oral health effects of cannabis use:  Read More 

4 Reasons Gum Health Is So Important

Visiting the dentist is essential for tooth health, but the health of your gums is an equally important reason to visit the dentist routinely. Learn why maintaining good gum health is essential, from eliminating foul breath odors to pain and tooth loss. Teeth Protection The fact that your gums essentially protect your teeth is one reason why it is so important to focus on gum health. In simple terms, the gums help keep teeth in place. Read More 

Replanting Or Replacing A Knocked-Out Tooth: What Your Dentist Will Do

What can a dentist actually do for a knocked-out permanent tooth? As it happens, quite a lot. Depending on how quickly you act, it may even be possible to save the tooth, despite the fact that it has left its socket. A Chaotic Situation An avulsed (knocked-out) permanent tooth is usually the result of blunt force trauma to the jaw, with sufficient force for the tooth to break away from its socket. Read More 

Oral Health Problems Caused By Chronic Sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis sufferers are typically familiar with symptoms such as nasal congestion, post-nasal drip, sinus pain, and even loss of taste and smell. Chronic sinusitis can be caused by viral, bacterial, and fungal infections, allergies, and structural defects inside the nose such as a deviated septum and nasal polyps. While the aforementioned symptoms of chronic sinusitis are some of the most common, here are some other less common symptoms that can affect your teeth and gums if you have sinus problems. Read More