
How To Help Treat Your Canker Sore Issue

If you worry about overall health, then your oral health is likely a concern of yours as well. Canker sores are one problem you may need to address. Canker sores are typically not serious, and unlike cold sores, they are not contagious. The sores are shallow and small ulcers on the cheeks or gums, and they are caused by stress, spicy foods, sharp teeth, or general injury. While canker sores are not likely to lead to cavities, gingivitis, and other serious health issues, they may stop you from cleaning the mouth as well as you should. Read More 

Have Trouble Affording Dental Care In Massachusetts? What Are Your Options?

If you're a resident of the Bay State and work a job that doesn't provide dental insurance, you may reluctantly go longer than the recommended twelve months between cleanings and checkups. Unfortunately, this neglect can sometimes lead to expensive dental problems that can spread to other parts of your body if left untreated. What are your best low-cost dental treatment options? Read on to learn more about some changes that may be coming to the way dental care is administered in Massachusetts, as well as how you can take advantage of inexpensive dental treatment options now. Read More 

4 Things That Can Cause A Root Canal Treatment To Go South

If you're facing an unexpected return to the dentist's office due to a root canal failure, then chances are you're wondering what could have caused this tooth-saving treatment to fail. There are several reasons why an initially successful root canal can suddenly turn bad. The following explores exactly how this can happen, and you'll also learn about the steps your dentist may take to undo the damage. Undetected Canals It's not uncommon for an incisor or a molar to have an extra canal branch hidden near another canal. Read More 

What To Do When Your Child Chips A Tooth

As safe as you try to keep your children, there are certain injuries and mishaps that are very difficult to prevent. Any child can slip and fall or suddenly decide to jump off of playground equipment or out of a tree. If your little one's fall results in a chipped tooth, it's important to stay calm so you can assess the damage and decide what to do next. Usually, a chipped tooth is not a dental emergency. Read More 

What Can You And Your Dentist Do To Fight Dry Mouth?

Does your mouth often feel dry and cottony? Perhaps you've also been suffering from bad breath, frequent thirst, and cracks in the corners of your mouth. These are symptoms of dry mouth – also known as xerostomia – and they should not be ignored. A mouth that's frequently dry is like heaven to oral bacteria, and they'll soon cause you a number of problems including tooth decay and gum disease if you don't do something to moisten your mouth. Read More