Understanding Some Of The Drawbacks Of Dental Bonding

If you have a damaged tooth, then your dentist may inform you that a dental crown should be created to protect your tooth. However, you do have some treatment alternatives if you do not want to spring for an expensive crown right away. Tooth bonding is one of the alternatives. You should understand that bonding does have some downsides when compared to a dental crown. Keep reading to understand then so you can make and informed decision.

Bonding Does Not Last As Long

One of the main differences between a dental crown and a bonding treatment is the fact that the bonding material will simply not last as long as a dental crown. This has to do with the materials used to create crowns and bonds. Crowns are formed from hard porcelain. Porcelain's strength can be found in the way it is fired or baked to create a crown.

On the other hand, a tooth bond is created with composite resin. This resin is the same type of material used to created tooth colored dental fillings. The resin is not hardened from heat like porcelain, it is instead chemically cured with the help of a UV light. When the light hardens the material, you can expect the bond to be as strong as a composite filling. They are in essence the same thing.

The good news is that you do not need to go through a lengthy process to receive the bonding material. A simple chairside application is all that is needed. You may need to have the bonding replaced after a few years though due to its lack of strength.

Reduced Stain Resistance

Enamel is a non-porous material and so is porcelain. This is one reason why porcelain is a suitable protective material used to create crowns and keep teeth safe from damage. While bonding materials may look similar to porcelain and enamel, the resin is actually quite a bit more porous. This means that bonded sections of the teeth can actually absorb food debris and coloring agents. This can lead to staining.

Stained dental bonds can stick out and look unappealing over time. You can reduce staining concerns by avoiding some of the foods and beverages that most regularly discolor the teeth. Coffee, wine, tomato sauce, and tea are a few examples. 

If you do eat highly staining foods and drinks, you can rinse your mouth out with water to get rid of the debris before it absorbs into the resin. Also, a dentist like David D. Childress, DDS can retouch the binding if it is stained by grinding off a bit of the resin and replacing it. 
