2 Easy Ways To Reduce Clear Tooth Aligner Discomfort

If your teeth are slightly crooked or misaligned, then you may want a more perfect smile, but metal braces are often unappealing to adults. Clear braces are a great alternative since most people will be unaware that they are even in your mouth. Clear braces are usually more comfortable than traditional varieties too, but you may still feel some slight discomfort. If this fact makes you think twice about tooth straightening, then you should know that there are some easy ways to reduce pain and soreness, like some of the examples below.

Switch Aligners at Night

Clear braces are often worn for a total of two or more years, and aligners are created throughout this time period to shift the teeth slightly into position. Usually, aligners are switched every two weeks. The aligners are made to loosen the teeth and the periodontal ligaments that hold the teeth in position. Small openings form in the jawbone too, and then the bone and the ligaments heal afterwards until the teeth are moved once again. The teeth are not moved nearly as far or as forcefully as you would expect if metal braces were placed on your teeth, and this helps to reduce discomfort. However, you still will feel some soreness for the first day or two after the aligners are switched. The worst of the pain occurs within the hours after the exchange is made.

Making the Change

Many people make the mistake of changing their aligners in the morning as they go about their daily routines. However, this means that you will need to deal with discomfort and pain while eating at work or at school. It is a much better option to change the aligners in the evening right before you go to bed. This way, you can bypass the discomfort as you sleep. You may need to take a pain reliever if aching sensations keep you up. A single dose of ibuprofen or acetaminophen may be enough to reduce the soreness.

If these pain relievers are not enough, then think about taking a natural melatonin supplement right before you lie down. Melatonin is a hormone that is released by the body in the late afternoon or evening to induce sleepiness. The hormone helps to retain your natural sleep rhythms. It can also be taken in supplement form to help your body drift off to sleep without experiencing the side effects of prescription sleep aids. Chamomile or valerian tea, kava kava supplements, and tryptophan are a few examples of some other natural sleep remedies that can help you snooze with an aching mouth as well.

Keep the Gums Clean

Your clear aligners will be made especially for you so they fit perfectly over your teeth. This is necessary, because every person has teeth that are a different size and shape. The position of the teeth must be taken into account as well to come up with a comprehensive movement plan. When the specialized retainers are placed in the mouth, the top edge of the device will sit just underneath the gum line with no more than about a millimeter or two of space. In most cases this means that the aligners will not cut the gum tissues. However, if you do not take care of the gums properly, then gingivitis can set in. Gums may then swell and reach the edges of the aligners. This can be quite painful, and your condition will worsen due to the tissue damage.

You can easily keep this from happening by making sure to clean the gums thoroughly every time you brush your teeth. Dental floss may be a good option for this, but a water flosser is likely a much better one. This type of device uses a stream of water to force bacteria, plaque, and food out of the gum pockets that line the sides of your teeth. The water also moves underneath the tight tissues that sit above or below the teeth. This means that the gums are thoroughly cleaned without the need for floss scraping that can cause tissue damage and swelling.

For more information on reducing the pain caused by clear aligners, try contacting a dentist by visiting a site like http://www.dentistryoffayetteville.com.
